Resolution Mod

Started by Lenor, February 28, 2010, 08:25:11 PM

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Is there a way to change the resolution of the game to 800x600 or anything else you like?


Do you mean under options? Or is the resolution you want not there?


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I would like 800x600 cause my pc is rather slow so a lower resolution would help in terms of frames per second


Also having resolution issues.  I use an LCD HDTV as a monitor so i've got a custom scaled resolution on my desktop (1832x1022); SC2 is insisting on using 1920x1080 as my fullscreen resolution.   In fact, that is the only two resolutions it offers me (both the 16 and 32 bit versions of 1920x1080) in the drop down menu.  I've attempted opening the variables file and altering height=XXX and width=XXX to my desired resolutions, but it seems that the game just isn't having any of it.

This means i have to play in a window which doesnt allow for mouse-scrolling of the map.



I had the same issues since my monitor is my TV
In other games, editing the proper registry key was how I went about getting my custom res, I dont know if or how to do it for sc2 though, good luck though
better wear your shades, the spotlights here can burn holes through the stage


Quote from: mithhunter55 on March 01, 2010, 12:15:47 AM
Try launch parameters?

no effect,just like editing the variables file.A mod/program/script is needed in order to change the resolution


800x600 would be nice but its a common trend these days for newer games to not allow such low rez. I'm not sure why this is as for some of these games lower resolution means WAY more fps, but even WoW can't be run at 640x480, 800x600 as low as it will go, looks like for SC2 is 1024x768.


yeah I would like 800x600


I also have resolution issues, I use 3x24" monitors in Eyefinity at 5760x1200, the max resolution I can select is 1920x1200 as well it makes edge scrolling impossible.

One thing I thought about is that if the windowed mode had a lock in cursor option, there as a SC1 windower that had that option, you could hold left ALT and scroll out of the game (like using a Virtual Machine windowed).  I'm really hoping blizzard implements it into the game it would be so helpful


Quote from: ChristmasGT on March 01, 2010, 05:00:56 PM
I also have resolution issues, I use 3x24" monitors in Eyefinity at 5760x1200, the max resolution I can select is 1920x1200 as well it makes edge scrolling impossible.

One thing I thought about is that if the windowed mode had a lock in cursor option, there as a SC1 windower that had that option, you could hold left ALT and scroll out of the game (like using a Virtual Machine windowed).  I'm really hoping blizzard implements it into the game it would be so helpful

I don't think they will ever implement it to have a resolution that widescreen (in many SC circles that would be considered cheating, as you could see FAR more of the map than the other players), however locking your cursor to the game I would hope they would implement for multi-monitor users.