Unable to play in the Sandbox[XP]

Started by manmagic, March 01, 2010, 12:45:04 AM

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Folder: Versions
Executable: StarCraft II.exe

C:\Documents and Settings\"USER"\My Documents\StarCraft II Beta
Folder: GameLogs
TextFile: Variables.txt

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Blizzard
Folder: InstallerReplacements

Downloaded Supplementary Files

Folder[1]: Cache
Folder[1]: SWF
Folder[1]: Maps
Folder[1]: Replays
TextFile[1]: Readme.txt

Folder[2]: Support
Executable[2]: StarCraft II.exe

Executable[3]: lazylaunch2.exe
TextFile[3]: lazylaunchchangelog.txt
TextFile[3]: lazytown.txt
TextFile[3]: starcraft ii command-line arguments.txt

Problem: Unable to play in the sandbox
Operating System: Windows XP
I followed the instructions from numerous forum(s) and posts. I keep recieving the, "temp* one or more of these files which are needed to play this game are not available locally. They must be downloaded first." The subfolder containing the contents of "Cache" in folder Battle.net of {C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Blizzard Entertainment} was replaced with Folder[1]: Cache. I did not view any subfile named Index.

Should I try to reinstall the application(4th time)? I wrote a detailed explanation to avoid the "help me, I am an idiot and do not think on my own" trolls.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Quote from: manmagic on March 01, 2010, 12:45:04 AM

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Blizzard
Folder: InstallerReplacements

perhaps you forgot to mention adding the maps to the cache folder inside app data\blizzard entertainment\battle.net

please re-read carefully the installation instructions...