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Messages - crazian

I thought Terrans are too strong (I play terran but just saying)
now we don't have to worry about proxy pylon for early-mid games anymore, might as well spam more M/M.
hey guys,
not trying to be smug or anything but i think since i play terran, terrans are not that hard to beat.
my strategies are all but laughable in the hands of pros but:

~~~~early game you go
1. offense, 2~3 barracks with M/M combo spam (often used in pvp)
2. defense, few infantry with tanks sieged.
~~~~mid game you go
1. 2 front battle with tanks and inf on one side of battle field (they'll lose), and get 4-6 banshee to quick harass economy or even take down cc.
2. meanwhile defensively with tanks and 2-3 bunkers
3. expand quickly
~~~~late game you go
well, if you went air harass they'll counter with spam vikings, so get yourself more marauders.
and basically spam vikings protecting fleet of bc.
massive, at least shield upgraded M/M combo with some tank support and a few meat shield like thor
a combination of both

a sum up: spam everything if all else fails.

---------for protoss players:
early: stalker or rush colossi
mid: colossi with immortals, and anti-air
late: carrier spam, period.

--------for zerg players:
early: rush!!!
mid: spam hydras!! they're so strong!!!
late: corrupter, broodlord, hydras, ultralisks, just pick a few and spam, you make units so much quicker than terrans

that's just my 2 cents, not saying they'll always work, but the general ideas are:
AIs will play stupid if you attack multiple locations at once, they're only programmed to be efficient resource miner and unit spammer, so tactic is all you need. (use high ground, harass, ambush, micro, macro, everything)