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Messages - nyarr

Not enough Pylons / Re: Beta launcher problem
March 01, 2010, 09:27:49 AM
Seems that lazylauncher2 does not work properly with new blizzard patch 0.4... just stick with 0.2 or 0.3 if you just want to play vs AI.

Maybe lazylauncher3 will have fixed replay playing and "double bases, workers & everything" issue.

#HLLH - >It will work when you do exaclty step by step what I did but instead of point 6 and 7 do what I did in previous post just replace with new cache folder.

It does not work when you launch lazylaunch 1 or 2+AI though. I just did it and I must reinstall game to be able to watch replays again...

The other bad thing  that lazylaunch2 + new patch do is it will double your starting building and workers in sandbox and when you want play vs AI. (even if you backup your old base.SC2data)

I hope it will be fixed soon.
Hi I have serious problem :

All I want is to be able to watch new replays without having Beta Key.

I have :
1. Installed US client on default patch (C:\Program Files\StarCraft II Beta\)
2. Patched client to StarCraft II Beta Patch 2 (version
3. Installed battlenetgfx_021 to bypass the login.
4. Downloaded recent replay
5. Placed replay in C:\Users\User_Name\Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Replays\Multiplayer\
6. Game is played on Desert Oasis, so Ive downloaded most recent map version at
7. Copied this map to : C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\Blizzard Entertainment\\Cache\96\66\
When I try to launch this replay Ive got an error :

** TEMP ** One or more files which are needed to play this game are not avaliable locally. They must by downloaded first.