Game Announcer


All Commands
Track Commands
Filter Commands
Various Bot Commands
User Access

All Commands


Access Commands Description Example
ver, about, version Will display the version of bot in channel ?ver
find, whois Will tell you the access of someone ?whois Myst
say Bot will output anything after say ?say Hello there, I'm a bawt
trigger, trig, t Bot will display the current trigger ?trigger
ep, tv, tvshow Bot will display the last and next new episode of a given show ?ep 30 Rock
games, last, game Bot will output the last 5 games detected ?games
listfilters, filters, filterlist Will display all the current filters ?filters
filtercount Will display how many filters there currently are ?filtercount
timefilter, time This command tells the bot only to display games if they're made within a certain timelimit ?timefilter 11
track This command tells the bot what games to filter and display in channel ?track [game,map,host] [filter]
?track map bald locks
?track game fastest
?track host x17
clearall, clear Will delete all the filters at once ?clear
deletefilter, delete, del Will delete a filter that is on your filter list ?del bald locks
switch, watch This command tells the bot to switch between either watching UMS, TopVBottom, or Melee games ?switch TVB
stop, sleep, stoptrack This tells the bot to stop looking for games ?stop
start, starttrack This tells the bot to start tracking again if you stopped it before ?start
join Will tell the bot to join a channel ?join Op W@R
rem, remove Will remove someone from the database ?rem Pianka
add Will add someone to the database with whatever access given ?add cHip 100
winamp on Will launch Winamp if you have it installed ?winamp on
winamp off Will close Winamp if its open ?winamp off
winamp stop Stops the current track ?winamp stop
mp3, music Bot will output current track you're listening too ?mp3
play Starts playing song ?play
next, n, skip Plays the next song after the current one ?next
prev, back, last Plays the song before the current one ?back
pause Pauses current song ?pause


Track Commands


?track [map,game,host] [filter]

This is how you make the bot actually filter games into your channel. As you can see after the ?track there is a map, game, host field. You tell the bot where that filter is applied too. So for example if you want to filter RPG maps you would do

?track map RPG

That will look for any map with "RPG" in it and it will tell you. When using ?track game filterhere, that will look for anything in the Game's Name that matches that filter.
So for example if you did ?track game test, it would pickup a Game named "Fastest BGH" & "Test map Help me".

?track host Hostname will track any games made by that hostname
?track host Myst would track any games "Myst" creates.

If you wanted to get specific use more filtered words, i.e if you wanted only Sniper Bald Lock maps dont do just ?track map Sniper , that would give you any map with the word "Sniper" in it, and you'd get a bunch of Sniper RPG maps. Instead do ?track map bald locks to only track that one map. Same goes for any other scenario.

When it comes to tracking game names you want to think of general words most people use when creating games. Unlike maps, which you can filter more specific for a specific map. i.e, ?track map bald locks instead of ?track map sniper , because "bald locks" will track the specific sniper ctf map rather than a generic sniper rpg or something map.

Not lets say you wanted the Bot to look at Top v Bottom games or Melee, instead of UMS, you then can switch the bots eyes by

?switch TVB,Melee,UMS

That command will tell the bot to start applying the filters to whatever you switched too.
So for example ?switch TVB would switch the bottom from whatever it was before to only looking at Top v Bottom games.
The bot can only view one gametype at a time, so only either UMS or TvB or Melee.


Filter Commands


Lets talk about some commands related to filters.

The most important one I believe that affects your results is
?timefilter [seconds]

This tells the bot to only output games made in a certain amount of time. So you don't have results where the game was made hours ago and its still up.
By default the timefilter is at 30 secs, but you can change it. I use 11secs, which gives me the newest made games.
This is how we use it
?timefilter 11

That will tell the bot to look for games made within 11 secs.

To Delete a filter you just have to do

?delete filtername

That will delete the given filter from your list.
If you wanted to clear your entire filter list at once you would do


If you want to view all the filters currently on your list just do
The bot will then tell you all the filters that are currently live. Don't worry if you have a lot of filters. The bot won't flood out by displaying them. It will split them all and display them in a fashion where you won't get flooded off.


Various Commands


Want to know that last episode or the next new episode of your favorite TV show.
Just do

?ep tvshownamehere

This is how it all would look

[6:07:36 PM] - : x0.Myst : - ?ep big bang theory
[6:07:36 PM] - : Announcer : - The Big Bang Theory--Thursday at 08:00 pm [Latest EP: 04x12 The Bus Pants Utilization @2011-01-06.] [Next EP 04x13 The Love Car Displacement @2011-01-20.]

If you have any other command suggestions let us know.


User Access


So now you're wondering about how do I add people to the bot? Ok then here we go.
The access is by numbers 0 to 100. 0 being the lowest 100 being the highest.
Make sure the view the Table above to see what access is required for each command, when giving access to your bot.

The access system stores all your users and their access levels in a hashtable making it superfast when being used, especially if you have a massive amount of users you want to add.

Ok so to add someone just do

?add User Number here

Once you add that User, it will automatically also add him to Database.txt so you don't have to add him or her next time.

To remove someone just do
?rem User

That will delete their access and also remove them from Database.txt right away.

To see someone's access it's as simple as just doing

?find User
That will output that person's access if they are in the database.

So it all looks like this

[6:17:33 PM] - : x0.Myst : - ?add chip 100
[6:17:35 PM] - : Announcer : - Added chip with 100 access.
[6:17:37 PM] - : x0.Myst : - ?whois chip
[6:17:37 PM] - : Announcer : - chip has 100 access
[6:17:51 PM] - : x0.Myst : - ?rem chip
[6:17:51 PM] - : Announcer : - Removed chip from database.




The format for Database.txt which is located in your Bot's folder is

So for example

Remember to seperate them by the semicolon ;
When the bot turns on it loads the users, whoever is in Database.txt


Frequently Asked Questions


  1. When you set it up to track a gamename, does that gamename have to be exactly to what you set it up to be for it to be posted in your channel
    the filtered word should be contained within the gamename for it to be picked up.
    So for example if the game name is "Poker D NO MUTA!!"
    and you filter "muta" ?track game muta
    that game will get picked up
    the more words you try to filter in one doing, the more specific the filter may get and you may not pick up games. i.e like ?track game Poker Defense
    Will not pick up that above game, since it's exactly looking for "Poker Defense" in the game name.
    A viable more accurate filter for filtering poker defense maps for example is either ?track game poker or ?track map poker.
  2. When it announces a game, its popping up twice. anyway to change that?
    That deals with the TimeFilter command. The bot automatically checks the gamelist for games every 10 secs. So if you have
    a TimeFilter of lets say 30, the bot will output that game 3 times.
    You could set the timefilter to ?timefilter 11
    Which a majority of the time will give you new games and bot will usually output once.
  3. What is this?
    This is a bot for Starcraft BroodWar, which spits out any games you want into the channel so you don't have to sit and stare at the gamelist yourself. You can kick back and relax in channel while waiting for the games you want.
  4. What do I need for this to work?
    You need a internet connection, Starcraft Hashes (Storm.dll, Battle.snp, Starcraft.exe), and a valid Starcraft CDKey.
  • So if I use my Game's CDKey, can I use it for this
    You could but you won't be able to use both at the same time. Find another working SC Key.
  • What if I need more help, where can I get it?
    Visit and go to Game Announcers support section and make a Topic about your problem. Or visit me at #DarkBlizz if you have an IRC Client or know what it is. Or find me on,
    USEast: Op W@R, Op Fallenarms, Op Legacy, Clan Null
    USWest: Op Council, Clan aK
    Europe: Op GBR
