[Irc commands] Added 7.1.0 -[lucky to own one of the plugins, heres the prototype commands to load / unload / test] /loadplug /unloadplug /plugtest [messagehere] -ircmsg is the PRIVMSG command works as such /ircmsg channel message /ircmsg name message -ircctcp these are ctcp commands, some bots filter these commands, so dont expect a reply from everyone. /ircctcp name version /ircctcp name ping /ircctcp name time /ircctcp name source [Botnet commands] /bndb to chat through the botnet /bnw [%# or name] message -to whisper a user on botnet. /bndbe message -to emote a message to the shared database. /bnwe [%# or name] message -to emote whisper to a user on botnet. /bncd -will give you a view of your current chatdrop settings. i have both the server ips in the cfg also chatdrop values leave them at 0 unless you want to block messages (0 = see all chat, 1 = block chat from , 2 = block all chat) [Universal commands] /running -7.1 updated (now shows connection uptime aswell) /uptime -7.1 updated (now shows connection uptime aswell) /netstat -7.1 build: 37 (Shows your irc session data output) /reload [irc | botnet] -7.1 build: 63 (will reload the config for whats specified) [PROTOTYPE COMMANDS] (if you make any plugs pass the code with it thanks) /loadplug -this command loads the plugin ("plugin.DBP") /unloadplug -this command un-loads plugin ("plugin.DBP") /plugtest msg -this command sends an std::string message to the plugin. ---------------------------------------------------------- Plugin Project: Can be found at, https://github.com/OneMeanDragon/dbPlug As stated above (if you make any plugs pass the code with it thanks) Log: [7.1.0A2 Build: 74] -(5-10-2018) Update: -Menu buttons: Configurations now disabled until further notice. -IRC: configurations, irc_hostserv= set this to what your hostmask is if you use hostserv. -IRC: configurations, irc_hostserv-enabled= (1 = true, 0 = false) If you are using a hostmask via hostserv set this to true, and set your hostmask value in the irc_hostserv=. -Plugin->Interface->Config->GetValue This function will now Auto create requested file, which were trying to ask for the said config line. Bug Fix: -Title updating Ping message, should now only show if those connections are actually connected. -When writing missing values to the config, it was previously printing the data to screen that has been restored. (this should also count true to the plugin's access to the config interface):untested. [7.1.0A2 Build: 68] -(5-10-2018) Update: -RPL_AWAY (301), Handleing added. IRC: -Twitch support re-added (server password = your OAuth) -Twitch cap, means youll see the join leaves, which you can turn off via disableing joins/leaves Bug Fix: -Bot->Plugin: (IRC / Botnet) disconnect event hook working. -Plugin->Bot: Irc Nick message, should now be printing correctly. (new plug.DBP) -Bot->Plugin: Irc quit message, should now be getting the correct data. [7.1.0A2 Build: 63] -(5-6-2018) Update: -Universal Command: added, /reload [irc | botnet] Plugin: -File extention renamed from DLL to DBP. -IrcBotnetEventHook function, over hauled, it now uses a single structure (Currently still only using the irc connection.) *Plugin was also updated so that the greetings do not greet self. *Clicking the Menu Greetings->Toggle will turn on or off the greetings. Interface Update: -Channels menu button is now disabled for the time being. -Irc Disconnect button has been reinstated. -Botnet Disconnect button added. [7.1.0A2 Build: 57] -(5-2-2018) Update: -Plugin can now create and remove its own menus from within the Plugins menu on the bot. [7.1.0A2 Build: 52] -(5-2-2018) Update: -Activated the message queue, be aware that the delay can get very long. -Plugin can now access the send message function for irc (everything else is WIP) [7.1.0A2 Build: 52] -(5-1-2018) Update: -Added more functionality to the plugin. -Plugin can now use some of the [connectiontype] events. [7.1.0A2 Build: 47] -(4-30-2018) Update: -Opened the prototype commands, you will find them above the --- line. [7.1.0A2 Build: 47] -(4-26-2018) Update: -Updated Botnets keep alive timer process. Bug Fix: -Title bar ping data now showing the right values. [7.1.0A2 Build: 41] -(4-26-2018) Update: - Yes I know the disconnect button currently dosent work, its been disabled since removing the old irc components. - Request channel listing is currently disabled. - All Config windows are currently disabled. - Irc ctcp requests Ping and Version will now reply to users. Bug Fix: - Irc CTCP commands and requests were printing to the wrong window, Fixed. - Irc whispers were printing to the wrong window, fixed. - Random crash while minimizing to tray, fixed. ---------------------------------------------------------- I am currently in the process of re adding the old irc commands so hold on. And fixing bugs while doing so ;[